Tigercat M726E
Forestry mulching is the wave of the future in land and wildlife management. Blackridge Land Co. has the equipment to handle a wide variety of land improvements or developments, i.e., vegetation management, right-of-way, commercial land clearing applications, land reclamation and more. We use “Environmentally Friendly”, cutting edge equipment that puts us in the forefront of land and wildlife management services.
- Material and Fuel Reduction
- View-scapes
- Initial Road Clearing- “Pre-grading or Roughing out”
- Top soil enrichment
- Low impact land clearing
- Mulches all vegetation leaving no brush piles to burn up or haul away
- Increases aesthetics, property value, and sales potential
- Property easily maintained after clearing
- Environmental friendly reducing erosion potential of sloped sites
- Disturbs the native seed bank and releases desired, palatable plant species
- Mulch will retain soil moisture